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You talkin’ to me? Yes, your cats can talk to you! All the noises cats make can tell pawrents how their cat is feeling. Your cat’s speech habits may vary due to their breed, background, or personality. As a general rule, short haired cats tend to be more chatty and outgoing than their longhaired counterparts. By learning the noises cats make and what they mean, you’re better equipped to predict their moods and what they need (hint: it’s probably healthy cat treats!)
You know how a cat's meow can mean just about anything? From a cheery hello to a stern "feed me now," these furry linguists use their meows as a Swiss Army knife of communication. And, let's be honest, sometimes they just like the sound of their own voice, meowing away for the sheer joy of it—they might even be debating whether they want the best cat food or deciding on the healthiest cat treats. Just as we debate over what's for dinner or the perfect snack, our cats are probably doing the same, in their own meowy way.
Chirps and trills
Since you are not a bird owner, many cat parents find themselves wondering “why does my cat chirp?” A cat chirping noise is often reserved to get your attention, or the attention of another cat. Think of it as their special method of saying, "Hey, look over here!" And while they've got your attention, it might just be the perfect time to spoil them with some healthy cat treats or their favorite pate cat food.
Usually a sign of happiness or contentment. However, occasionally cats will purr to self soothe if they are anxious, much like a child sucks their thumb. This cute and common behavior highlights just how complex and emotionally rich our feline friends are, reminding us to pay close attention to their needs, whether they're asking for a comforting cuddle or their favorite treat to feel secure and loved.
Growling, hissing, or spitting
The cat equivalent of “bye, Fur-licia.” Steer clear of a cat showing this behavior. It means they are displeased and want to be left alone. Often times this can also mean they are scared or feel threatened, leaving them some healthy cat treats and stand back while they calm down.
Like extended meows or hissing, these noises signal distress. In cats that haven’t been spayed or neutered, this can also be a mating noise. Elderly cats suffering from dementia will howl if they become disoriented. There are a few ways you can help calm an anxious cat to prevent howling.
This doesn’t mean they are cold! It usually happens when a cat is watching birds or squirrels, and is believed to be a simulation of the “killing bite,” when a cat grinds their teeth into their prey to kill them.
Just like modern language, the combination of what your cat does with their ears, tail, and pupils all weave together to form the intricate tapestry of your cat's body language. A combination of what your cat does with their ears, tail, and pupils translates into your cat's body language.
When cats are content and purring, they will lay down with still tails and pupils narrowed. They may also knead their paws on your skin. This is the perfect time to reward your kitty with some of the best cat food, because who doesn’t love a cutie!
Cats will turn their ears forward and tail up and their pupils will be somewhat dilated when they are playing and pretending to hunt. Just like with other pets, cats learn good behavior more effectively when reinforced, so when your kitty has a successful hunt, reward them with a health cat treat!
If you cat growls or bares their teeth, it’s a warning for you to stop. Intense play can cause overstimulation in some cats, which can result in biting and scratching. Cats love what they can’t have, so keep it cat-sual and give them space to make them like you even more.
The next time your cat speaks up, listen to them! You know who to go to if they are hungry...hint, it’s us! Shop the best cat food for you cats today, and see just how many meow’s you can get!