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We bet that you’re doggone excited to bring your pup to the beach this summer! On beautiful sunny days, there’s nothing better to do than to frolic in the sand with your four-legged friend.
There are, of course, safety considerations before you soak up the sun with your fur baby.
It’s best to keep dogs in low and calm waters for their safety. Even dogs who can swim can grow tired in the water. Whether or not your dog can paddle, invest in a doggie life jacket if the two of you plan to splash around in the water.
If you're in the water, stay in a quiet area where there’s not too much boating, jet skiing, or other activities that might scare your pup. You can check out dog-friendly beaches where these activities are kept to a minimum.
Don't forget the SPF! Any hairless, pink areas on a dog's body (like paws!) will be especially vulnerable to sunburn. Use a sunblock formulated for dogs — zinc, an ingredient in some human sunscreens, is actually toxic to dogs.
Also be aware of hot sand since dog paws are sensitive to heat. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your canine BFF. To keep you and your dog cool, set your chair up in a shady area or carry along an umbrella. It’s also a good idea to lay a towel or blanket beneath your dog to protect those sensitive paws! To keep paws extra comfy, pack doggie shoes for protection against sharp objects such as shells, glass, and more.
We love the dog days of summer, but not when it's too hot for our pups to handle! Signs that your dog might be overheated include increased panting and drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive lethargy. If you notice any of these symptoms, bring your dog to a cool area, give them fresh water, and go to the vet if symptoms worsen.
Drinking salt water can make your dog dehydrated. Bring along cool, fresh water and a doggy bowl so that your dog doesn’t look for water elsewhere. Signs of dehydration are similar to symptoms of overheating. Additionally, your dog’s gums might feel tacky, and their saliva might appear thick.
After a fun beach day, wash your dog off with fresh water to remove salt, sand, bugs, microorganisms, and debris from their fur and skin. Gently dry your pup off with a towel, and let them rest on a blanket during the car ride back.
A fresh water supply, life jacket, doggie sunscreen, sun umbrella, first aid kit, and towel are essentials to pack on your beach trip with your best pal — oh, but don't forget healthy dog snacks, either!